Marta Antunes

Marta Antunes

Thursday, 01 March 2018 12:09

NoHoW Consortium Meeting

On February 13-14, António Palmeira, Inês Santos and Jorge Encantado participated in the NoHoW consortium meeting, in Edinburgh. Business plan development was the main topic under discussion. More information about this project HERE.

Carraça E.V., Santos I., Mata J. & Teixeira P.J. (2018). Psychosocial Pretreatment Predictors of Weight Control: A Systematic Review Update. Obesity Facts, 11:67-82. DOI:

Sainsbury K., Evans E.H., Pedersen S., Marques M.M., Teixeira P.J., Lahteenmaki L., Stubbs R.J., Heitmann B.L. & Sniehotta F.F. (2018). Attribution of weight regain to emotional reasons amongst European adults with overweight and obesity who regained weight following a weight loss attempt. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. DOI:

Tuesday, 30 January 2018 15:02

Football is Medicine

On January 25-26, the International Conference on Football is Medicine took place in the City of Football, the headquarters of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF). Pedro J. Teixeira, Marlene N. Silva and Hugo Pereira participated as invited speakers. More information about this event HERE.

CIPER | Self-Regulation participated in a conference organized by the Autonomous University of Lisbon (UAL) on January 11. Marlene N. Silva gave a presentation on community interventions to promote health behaviors, highlighting the EuroFIT project. The researcher also gave an interview to UAL's radio station that can be accessed  HERE.

Friday, 05 January 2018 10:46

EuroFIT on a radio programme

On January 4th, Marlene N. Silva discussed EuroFIT on the Antena 1 radio programme “90 Seconds of Science". Audio file available HERE.

Sunday, 24 December 2017 08:36

Merry Christmas

CIPER | Self-Regulation wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018!

Lopes C., Torres D., Oliveira A., Severo M., Guiomar S., Alarcão V., Ramos E., Rodrigues S., Vilela S., Oliveira L., Mota J., Teixeira P.J., Nicola P., Soares S., Andersen L.F. & The IAN-AF Consortium (2018). National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey of the Portuguese general population, 2015-2016: Design and methods. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(2):e42. doi:10.2196/resprot.8990

Thursday, 14 December 2017 10:09

Health behavior change for obesity management

Teixeira P.J. & Marques M. (2017). Health behaviour change for obesity management. Obesity Facts, 10:666-673. DOI:

Wednesday, 13 December 2017 15:40

VIII Running International Congress

On December 3-4, the Faculty of Human Kinetics – University of Lisbon hosted the VIII Running International Congress. Pedro Teixeira moderated the Plenary Session “Running and Health” and Hugo Pereira participated with a presentation titled “Recreational running in Portugal, 2017.” More information about this event HERE.

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